Source code for twobody.anomaly

# Standard library
import inspect
from functools import wraps

# Third-party
import astropy.units as u

# Project
from .wrap import (cy_mean_anomaly_from_eccentric_anomaly,
from .utils import ArrayProcessor

__all__ = ['mean_anomaly_from_eccentric_anomaly',

def anomaly_wrapper(func):
    """This is a decorator that processes the input (strips units, enforces that
    it is a 1D array), executes the cython function on the cleaned input, then
    returns the output angle in the same units and with the same shape as the
    sig = inspect.signature(func)

    def function_wrapper(ang, e, *args, **kwargs):
        in_unit = ang.unit
        p = ArrayProcessor(, e)
        ang, e = p.prepare_arrays()
        res = p.prepare_result(func(ang, e, *args, **kwargs))
        return (res * u.radian).to(in_unit)

    return function_wrapper

[docs]@u.quantity_input(E=u.radian) @anomaly_wrapper def mean_anomaly_from_eccentric_anomaly(E, e): """ Parameters ---------- E : quantity_like [angle] Eccentric anomaly. e : numeric, array_like Eccentricity. Returns ------- M : numeric, array_like [radian] Mean anomaly. """ return cy_mean_anomaly_from_eccentric_anomaly(E, e)
[docs]@u.quantity_input(M=u.radian) @anomaly_wrapper def eccentric_anomaly_from_mean_anomaly(M, e, tol=1E-10, maxiter=128, method='Newton1'): """ Parameters ---------- M : quantity_like [angle] Mean anomaly. e : numeric Eccentricity. tol : numeric, optional Numerical tolerance used in iteratively solving for eccentric anomaly. maxiter : int, optional Maximum number of iterations when iteratively solving for eccentric anomaly. method : str, optional The method to use for iterative root-finding for the eccentric anomaly. Options are: ``'Newton1'`` and ``'Householder3'``. Returns ------- E : numeric [radian] Eccentric anomaly. Issues ------ - Magic numbers ``tol`` and ``maxiter`` """ func = eval('cy_eccentric_anomaly_from_mean_anomaly_{0}'.format(method)) return func(M, e, tol, maxiter)
[docs]@u.quantity_input(E=u.radian) @anomaly_wrapper def true_anomaly_from_eccentric_anomaly(E, e): """ Parameters ---------- E : quantity_like [angle] Eccentric anomaly. e : numeric, array_like Eccentricity. Returns ------- f : numeric [radian] True anomaly. """ return cy_true_anomaly_from_eccentric_anomaly(E, e)
[docs]@u.quantity_input(f=u.radian) @anomaly_wrapper def eccentric_anomaly_from_true_anomaly(f, e): """ Parameters ---------- f : quantity_like [angle] True anomaly. e : numeric, array_like Eccentricity. Returns ------- E : numeric [radian] Eccentric anomaly. """ return cy_eccentric_anomaly_from_true_anomaly(f, e)