Source code for twobody.elements

# Standard library
import abc
import warnings

# Third-party
import astropy.coordinates as coord
from astropy.constants import G, c
from astropy.time import Time
import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np
from numpy import pi

# Project
from .transforms import a_m_to_P, P_m_to_a, PeKi_to_a
from .units import UnitSystem

__all__ = ['OrbitalElements', 'KeplerElements', 'TwoBodyKeplerElements']

class ElementsMeta(abc.ABCMeta):

    def __new__(mcls, name, bases, members):

        if 'names' not in members:
            raise ValueError('OrbitalElements subclasses must contain a '
                             'defined class attribute "names" that specified '
                             'the string names of the elements.')

        for name_ in members['names']:
            mcls.readonly_prop_factory(members, name_)

        return super().__new__(mcls, name, bases, members)

    def readonly_prop_factory(members, attr_name):
        def getter(self):
            return self.units.decompose(getattr(self, '_' + attr_name))
        members[attr_name] = property(getter)

[docs]class OrbitalElements(metaclass=ElementsMeta): """ Subclasses must define the class attribute ``.default_units`` to be a ``UnitSystem`` instance. """ names = [] def __init__(self, units): # Make sure the units specified are a UnitSystem instance if units is None: units = self.default_units elif units is not None and not isinstance(units, UnitSystem): units = UnitSystem(*units) self.units = units # Now make sure all element name attributes have been set: for name in self.names: if not hasattr(self, '_' + name): raise AttributeError('Invalid class definition!')
class BaseKeplerElements(OrbitalElements): default_units = UnitSystem(,, u.Msun,, / u.s) names = ['P', 'a', 'e', 'omega', 'i', 'Omega', 'M0'] def __init__(self, P=None, a=None, e=0, omega=None, i=None, Omega=None, M0=None, t0=None, units=None): """Base class for Keplerian orbital elements. Parameters ---------- P : quantity_like [time] Orbital period. a : quantity_like [length] (optional) Semi-major axis. If unspecified, computed orbits will be unscaled. e : numeric (optional) Orbital eccentricity. Default is circular, ``e=0``. omega : quantity_like, `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` [angle] Argument of pericenter. i : quantity_like, `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` [angle] Inclination of the orbit. Omega : quantity_like, `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` [angle] Longitude of the ascending node. M0 : quantity_like, `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` [angle] (optional) Mean anomaly at epoch ``t0``. Default is 0º if not specified. t0 : quantity-like, numeric, `~astropy.coordinates.Time` (optional) Reference epoch. units : `~twobody.units.UnitSystem`, iterable (optional) The unit system to represent quantities in. The default unit system is accessible as `KeplerElements.default_units`. """ if M0 is None: # Default phase at reference epoch is 0º M0 = 0 * if t0 is None: # Default reference epoch is J2000 t0 = Time('J2000') # Now check that required elements are defined: _required = ['P', 'omega'] for name in _required: if eval(name) is None: raise ValueError("You must specify {0}.".format(name)) # Value validation: if P < 0 * raise ValueError("Period `P` must be positive.") if a is not None and a < 0 * raise ValueError("Semi-major axis `a` must be positive.") if e < 0 or e >= 1: raise ValueError("Eccentricity `e` must be: 0 <= e < 1") if i is not None and (i < 0*u.deg or i > 180 * u.deg): raise ValueError("Inclination `i` must be between 0º and 180º, you " "passed in i={:.3f}".format( if i is None: i = np.nan * u.deg if Omega is None: Omega = np.nan * u.deg # Set object attributes, but make them read-only self._a = a if a is not None else 1. * u.dimensionless_unscaled self._P = P self._e = float(e) * u.dimensionless_unscaled self._omega = coord.Angle(omega).wrap_at(360 * u.deg) self._i = coord.Angle(i) self._Omega = coord.Angle(Omega).wrap_at(360 * u.deg) self._M0 = coord.Angle(M0) self.t0 = t0 # Must happen at the end because it validates that all element names # have been set properly: super().__init__(units=units)
[docs]class KeplerElements(BaseKeplerElements): names = ['P', 'a', 'e', 'omega', 'i', 'Omega', 'M0'] @u.quantity_input(P=u.year,,, omega=u.deg, i=u.deg, Omega=u.deg, M0=u.deg) def __init__(self, *, P=None, a=None, K=None, e=0, omega=None, i=None, Omega=None, M0=None, t0=None, units=None): """Keplerian orbital elements for a single orbit. The elements are assumed to be relative to an inertial frame, typically the barycenter of a two-body system. Parameters ---------- P : quantity_like [time] Orbital period. a : quantity_like [length] (optional) Semi-major axis. Specify this OR the semi-amplitude ``K``, but not both. If unspecified, computed orbits will be unscaled. K : quantity_like [speed] (optional) Velocity semi-amplitudes. Specify this OR the semi-major axis ``a``, but not both. If unspecified, computed orbits will be unscaled. e : numeric (optional) Orbital eccentricity. Default is circular, ``e=0``. omega : quantity_like, `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` [angle] Argument of pericenter. i : quantity_like, `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` [angle] Inclination of the orbit. Omega : quantity_like, `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` [angle] Longitude of the ascending node. M0 : quantity_like, `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` [angle] (optional) Mean anomaly at epoch ``t0``. Default is 0º if not specified. t0 : quantity-like, numeric, `~astropy.coordinates.Time` (optional) Reference epoch. If a number is passed in, it is assumed to be a solar system barycentric modified julian date (BMJD). The default is J2000 if not specified. units : `~twobody.units.UnitSystem`, iterable (optional) The unit system to represent quantities in. The default unit system is accessible as `KeplerElements.default_units`. """ if K is not None and a is not None: raise ValueError("Both `K` and `a` were specified, but can only " "accept one or the other.") super().__init__(P=P, a=a, e=e, omega=omega, i=i, Omega=Omega, M0=M0, t0=t0, units=units) # TODO: this is a bit messy because we double-initialize! The first # time to validate, the second to use the proper "a" if K is not None: a = PeKi_to_a(P, e, K, i) super().__init__(P=P, a=a, e=e, omega=omega, i=i, Omega=Omega, M0=M0, t0=t0, units=units) if self.K.unit.physical_type == 'speed': # Now we do a quick validation to make sure we're not relativistic... _K_c = (self.K / c).decompose() if _K_c > 1E-2: warnings.warn('Velocity semiamplitude is large enough that ' 'relativistic effects are important: K/c = {:.2f}' ' but are not currently accounted for in TwoBody' .format(_K_c), RuntimeWarning) @property def K(self): """Velocity semi-amplitude.""" K = 2*pi * self.a * np.sin(self.i) / (self.P * np.sqrt(1 - self.e**2)) return self.units.decompose(K) @property def m_f(self): """Binary mass function.""" mf_circ = self.P * self.K**3 / (2*pi * G) return self.units.decompose(mf_circ) * (1 - self.e**2)**1.5 # Python builtins def __repr__(self): return ("<KeplerElements [P={:.2f}, a={:.2f}, e={:.2f}, " "ω={:.2f}, i={:.2f}, Ω={:.2f}]>" .format(self.P, self.a, self.e,, self.i, self.Omega))
[docs]class TwoBodyKeplerElements(BaseKeplerElements): names = ['P', 'a', 'e', 'm1', 'm2', 'omega', 'i', 'Omega', 'M0'] @u.quantity_input(P=u.year,, m1=u.Msun, m2=u.Msun, omega=u.deg, i=u.deg, Omega=u.deg, M0=u.deg) def __init__(self, *, P=None, a=None, m1=None, m2=None, e=0, omega=None, i=None, Omega=None, M0=None, t0=None, units=None): """Keplerian orbital elements for a two-body system. You can either specify period, ``P`` and the masses ``m1``, ``m2``, or the separation ``a`` and the two masses. Parameters ---------- P : quantity_like [time] Orbital period. a : quantity_like [length] Semi-major axis of the fictitious particle e : numeric (optional) Orbital eccentricity. Default is circular, ``e=0``. omega : quantity_like, `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` [angle] Argument of pericenter. i : quantity_like, `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` [angle] Inclination of the orbit. Omega : quantity_like, `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` [angle] Longitude of the ascending node of the fictitious particle. M0 : quantity_like, `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` [angle] (optional) Mean anomaly at epoch ``t0``. Default is 0º if not specified. t0 : quantity-like, numeric, `~astropy.coordinates.Time` (optional) Reference epoch. Default is J2000 if not specified. units : `~twobody.units.UnitSystem`, iterable (optional) The unit system to represent quantities in. The default unit system is accessible as `KeplerElements.default_units`. """ if m1 is None or m2 is None: raise ValueError("You must specify m1 and m2.") if P is not None and a is not None: raise ValueError("You can only specify one of period `P` or " "semi-major axis `a`.") if P is None: P = a_m_to_P(a, m1 + m2) if a is None: a = P_m_to_a(P, m1 + m2) self._m1 = m1 self._m2 = m2 self.m_tot = m1 + m2 # values are validated super().__init__(a=a, P=P, e=e, omega=omega, i=i, Omega=omega, M0=M0, t0=t0, units=units)
[docs] def get_body(self, num): """Get the orbital elements for the specified body. Parameters ---------- num : str ('1' or '2') Get the orbital elements of the primary `'1'` or secondary `'2'`. Returns ------- elements : `twobody.KeplerElements` """ num = str(num) if num == '1': a = self.m2 / self.m_tot * self.a omega = elif num == '2': a = self.m1 / self.m_tot * self.a omega = + np.pi*u.radian else: raise ValueError("Invalid input '{0}' - must be '1' or '2'" .format(num)) return KeplerElements(a=a, P=self.P, e=self.e, omega=omega, i=self.i, Omega=self.Omega, M0=self.M0, t0=self.t0, units=self.units)
@property def primary(self): """Shorthand for ``.get_body('1')``. Returns the orbital elements for the primary body, which corresponds to ``m1`` (not the more massive of the two). """ return self.get_body('1') @property def secondary(self): """Shorthand for ``.get_body('2')``. Returns the orbital elements for the secondary body, which corresponds to ``m2`` (not the less massive of the two). """ return self.get_body('2') # Python builtins def __repr__(self): return ("<TwoBodyKeplerElements [m1={:.2f}, m2={:.2f}, " "P={:.2f}, a={:.2f}, e={:.2f}, " "ω={:.2f}, i={:.2f}, Ω={:.2f}]>" .format(self.m1, self.m2, self.P, self.a, self.e,, self.i, self.Omega))