Source code for twobody.orbit

# Third-party
import astropy.coordinates as coord
from astropy.coordinates.matrix_utilities import matrix_product, rotation_matrix
from astropy.time import Time
import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np
from numpy import pi

# Project
from . import elements as elem
from .anomaly import (eccentric_anomaly_from_mean_anomaly,
from .utils import ArrayProcessor
from .barycenter import Barycenter
from .wrap import cy_rv_from_elements
from .reference_plane import ReferencePlaneFrame
from .bary_trends import RVTrend, PolynomialRVTrend

__all__ = ['KeplerOrbit']

_KMS =

[docs]class KeplerOrbit: def __init__(self, elements=None, elements_type='kepler', barycenter=None, **kwargs): """Represents a bound Kepler orbit. Parameters ---------- elements : `twobody.OrbitalElements` subclass instance Either pass in an ``OrbitalElements`` object, e.g., an instance of `twobody.KeplerElements`, or pass in the element names themselves. If the latter, anything passed in as kwargs gets passed to the elements class specified by ``elements_type``. The element names for the default ``elements_type`` are included below for convenience. elements_type : str (optional) Ignore if you pass in an instantiated ``OrbitalElements`` object. This argument controls the class that the ``kwargs`` are passed to. The default is ``'kepler'``, meaning all keyword arguments get passed to the `twobody.KeplerElements` class. barycenter : `twobody.Barycenter` (optional) Parameters that control specification of the barycenter of the orbit. Kepler elements --------------- P : quantity_like [time] Orbital period. a : quantity_like [length] (optional) Semi-major axis. Specify this OR the semi-amplitude ``K``, but not both. If unspecified, computed orbits will be unscaled. K : quantity_like [speed] (optional) Velocity semi-amplitudes. Specify this OR the semi-major axis ``a``, but not both. If unspecified, computed orbits will be unscaled. e : numeric (optional) Orbital eccentricity. Default is circular, ``e=0``. omega : quantity_like, `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` [angle] Argument of pericenter. i : quantity_like, `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` [angle] Inclination of the orbit. Omega : quantity_like, `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` [angle] Longitude of the ascending node. M0 : quantity_like, `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` [angle] (optional) Mean anomaly at epoch ``t0``. Default is 0ยบ if not specified. t0 : quantity-like, numeric, `~astropy.coordinates.Time` (optional) Reference epoch. The default is J2000 if not specified. units : `~twobody.units.UnitSystem`, iterable (optional) The unit system to represent quantities in. The default unit system is accessible as `KeplerElements.default_units`. Examples -------- As described above, you can either create an ``Elements`` object and then pass this to ``KeplerOrbit``, e.g., >>> import astropy.units as u >>> from astropy.time import Time >>> from twobody import KeplerElements >>> t0 = Time(2459812.641, format='jd') # reference epoch >>> elem = KeplerElements(a=1.5*, e=0.5, P=1.*u.year, ... omega=67*u.deg, i=21.*u.deg, ... Omega=33*u.deg, M0=53*u.deg, t0=t0) >>> orb = KeplerOrbit(elem) Or, you can pass in the element names as arguments to the ``KeplerOrbit`` class: >>> orb = KeplerOrbit(a=1.5*, e=0.5, P=1.*u.year, ... omega=67*u.deg, i=21.*u.deg, Omega=33*u.deg, ... M0=53*u.deg, t0=t0) """ if elements is None: elements_cls = getattr(elem, "{0}Elements" .format(elements_type.capitalize())) # pass everything in kwargs to the class initializer elements = elements_cls(**kwargs) elif not isinstance(elements, elem.OrbitalElements): raise TypeError("'elements' must be an instance of an " "OrbitalElements subclass.") if barycenter is not None and not isinstance(barycenter, (RVTrend, Barycenter)): raise TypeError("barycenter must be a twobody.Barycenter instance") self.elements = elements if isinstance(barycenter, RVTrend): self._vtrend = barycenter barycenter = None elif barycenter is None: self._vtrend = lambda t: 0 else: self._vtrend = PolynomialRVTrend([ barycenter.origin.radial_velocity]) self._barycenter = barycenter ########################################################################## # Read-only attributes @property def barycenter(self): return self._barycenter ########################################################################## # Python special methods def __getattr__(self, name): # This gives access to the orbital element components directly from the # Orbit instance if hasattr(self.elements, name): return getattr(self.elements, name) else: raise AttributeError("type object '{0}' has no attribute '{1}'" .format(self.__class__.__name__, name)) def __copy__(self): import copy elements = copy.copy(self.elements) barycen = copy.copy(self.barycenter) return self.__class__(elements=elements, barycenter=barycen)
[docs] def unscaled_radial_velocity(self, time, anomaly_tol=None, anomaly_maxiter=None): """Compute the unscaled radial velocity of the body at the specified times relative to the barycenter or reference point, i.e. in the reference plane system not in a solar system barycentric frame. See the docstring of `~twobody.KeplerOrbit.radial_velocity` for more information and caveats. Parameters ---------- time : array_like, `astropy.time.Time` Array of times as barycentric MJD values, or an Astropy `~astropy.time.Time` object containing the times to evaluate at. anomaly_tol : numeric (optional) Tolerance passed to `~twobody.eccentric_anomaly_from_mean_anomaly` for solving for the eccentric anomaly. See default value in that function. anomaly_maxiter : numeric (optional) Maximum number of iterations to use in `~twobody.eccentric_anomaly_from_mean_anomaly` for solving for the eccentric anomaly. See default value in that function. Returns ------- rv : numeric [m/s] Relative radial velocity - does not include systemtic velocity! """ if anomaly_tol is None: # TODO: make this a config item? anomaly_tol = 1E-10 if anomaly_maxiter is None: # TODO: make this a config item? anomaly_maxiter = 128 # TODO: do we always want to use MJD? precision issues... time = time.tcb.mjd if isinstance(self.t0, Time): t0 = self.t0.tcb.mjd else: t0 = self.t0 proc = ArrayProcessor(time) t, = proc.prepare_arrays() rv = cy_rv_from_elements(t,, 1., self.e,,, t0, anomaly_tol, anomaly_maxiter) return np.atleast_1d(proc.prepare_result(rv))
[docs] def radial_velocity(self, time, anomaly_tol=None, anomaly_maxiter=None): """Compute the radial velocity of the body at the specified times relative to the barycenter or reference point, i.e. in the reference plane system not in a solar system barycentric frame. This should always be close (in a machine precision sense) to the ``z`` velocity of ``orbit.reference_plane(time).`` When the barycenter is assumed to be at rest with respect to tangential motion relative to the observer, this should be equivalent to ``orbit.icrs(time).radial_velocity`` As mentioned above and in :ref:`getting-started-rv`, the radial velocity computed this way assumes that the barycenter does not move tangentially between epochs and thus ignores spherical projection effects. For sources with large proper motions, the true observable line-of-sight velocity will change slightly over time. We can visualize the expected differences given a full specification of the position and motion of the barycenter: >>> import astropy.units as u >>> import astropy.coordinates as coord >>> from astropy.time import Time >>> from twobody import Barycenter, KeplerOrbit >>> origin = coord.ICRS(ra=170.8743*u.deg, dec=-71.34*u.deg, ... distance=57.134*u.pc, ... pm_ra_cosdec=-206.718*u.mas/u.yr, ... pm_dec=301.82*u.mas/u.yr, ... radial_velocity=41.84* >>> baryc = Barycenter(origin=origin, t0=Time('J2000')) >>> orb = KeplerOrbit(P=1.5*u.year, e=0.67, a=1.77*, ... omega=17.14*u.deg, i=65*u.deg, Omega=0*u.deg, ... M0=35.824*u.deg, t0=Time('J2015.0'), ... barycenter=baryc) >>> t = Time('J2000') + np.linspace(0, 15, 10000) * u.year >>> true_rv = orb.icrs(t).radial_velocity >>> approx_rv = orb.radial_velocity(t) >>> (true_rv - approx_rv).to(u.m/u.s).max() # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP <Quantity 3.315196290913036 m / s> In this case, the maximum difference is only ~3 m/s. Parameters ---------- time : array_like, `astropy.time.Time` Array of times as barycentric MJD values, or an Astropy `~astropy.time.Time` object containing the times to evaluate at. anomaly_tol : numeric (optional) Tolerance passed to `~twobody.eccentric_anomaly_from_mean_anomaly` for solving for the eccentric anomaly. See default value in that function. anomaly_maxiter : numeric (optional) Maximum number of iterations to use in `~twobody.eccentric_anomaly_from_mean_anomaly` for solving for the eccentric anomaly. See default value in that function. """ trend = self._vtrend(time) rv = self.K * self.unscaled_radial_velocity(time) + trend if not rv.unit.is_equivalent(_KMS): raise ValueError('Orbit does not have enough valid orbital ' 'element information to compute a unit-ful ' 'radial velocity. Use ' '`unscaled_radial_velocity()` manually, or ' 're-initialize with full information (e.g., ' 'with all angles specified: i, Omega)') return rv
[docs] def orbital_plane(self, time): """Compute the orbit at specified times in the two-body barycentric frame aligned with the orbital plane (xyz). Parameters ---------- time : array_like, `astropy.time.Time` Array of times as barycentric MJD values, or an Astropy `~astropy.time.Time` object containing the times to evaluate at. """ if isinstance(self.t0, Time): if not isinstance(time, Time): raise TypeError( "t0 specified as an Astropy Time object, so you must pass " "in an Astropy Time object here." ) dt = time.tcb - self.t0.tcb else: dt = time - self.t0 # mean anomaly with u.set_enabled_equivalencies(u.dimensionless_angles()): M = 2*pi * dt / self.P - self.M0 M = # eccentric anomaly E = eccentric_anomaly_from_mean_anomaly(M, self.e) # true anomaly f = true_anomaly_from_eccentric_anomaly(E, self.e) # distance from center of mass to orbiting body r = self.a * (1. - self.e * np.cos(E)) # compute the orbit in the cartesian, orbital plane system (xyz): x = r * np.cos(f) y = r * np.sin(f) z = np.zeros_like(x) fac = 2*pi * self.a / self.P / np.sqrt(1 - self.e**2) vx = -fac * np.sin(f) vy = fac * (np.cos(f) + self.e) vz = np.zeros_like(vx) xyz = coord.CartesianRepresentation(x=x, y=y, z=z) vxyz = coord.CartesianDifferential(d_x=vx, d_y=vy, d_z=vz) return xyz.with_differentials(vxyz)
[docs] def reference_plane(self, time): """Compute the orbit at specified times in the two-body barycentric frame aligned with the reference plane coordinate system (XYZ). Parameters ---------- time : array_like, `astropy.time.Time` Array of times as barycentric MJD values, or an Astropy `~astropy.time.Time` object containing the times to evaluate at. """ xyz = self.orbital_plane(time) vxyz = xyz.differentials['s'] xyz = xyz.without_differentials() # Construct rotation matrix to take the orbit from the orbital plane # system (xyz) to the reference plane system (XYZ): R1 = rotation_matrix(, axis='z') R2 = rotation_matrix(self.i, axis='x') R3 = rotation_matrix(self.Omega, axis='z') Rot = matrix_product(R3, R2, R1) # Rotate to the reference plane system XYZ = coord.CartesianRepresentation(matrix_product(Rot, VXYZ = coord.CartesianDifferential(matrix_product(Rot, vxyz.d_xyz)) XYZ = XYZ.with_differentials(VXYZ) kw = dict() if self.barycenter is not None: kw['origin'] = self.barycenter.origin return ReferencePlaneFrame(XYZ, **kw)
[docs] def icrs(self, time): """Return the ICRS (i.e. reference plane) position and velocity of the orbit at the specified time(s). Parameters ---------- time : array_like, `~astropy.time.Time` Time array. Either in BMJD or as an Astropy time. """ rp = self.reference_plane(time) icrs_cart = rp.transform_to(coord.ICRS).cartesian icrs_pos = icrs_cart.without_differentials() icrs_vel = icrs_cart.differentials['s'] bary_cart = self.barycenter.origin.cartesian bary_vel = bary_cart.differentials['s'] dt = time - self.barycenter.t0 dx = (bary_vel * dt).to_cartesian() new_pos = icrs_pos + dx new_vel = icrs_vel + bary_vel return coord.ICRS(new_pos.with_differentials(new_vel))
[docs] def plot_rv(self, time, ax=None, rv_unit=None, t_kwargs=None, plot_kwargs=None): """Plot the line-of-sight or radial velocity at the specified times. Parameters ---------- time : array_like, `~astropy.time.Time` Time array. Either in BMJD or as an Astropy time. ax : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional The axis to draw on (default is to grab the current axes using `~matplotlib.pyplot.gca`). rv_unit : `~astropy.units.UnitBase`, optional Units to plot the radial velocities in (default is km/s). t_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments passed to :class:`astropy.time.Time` with the input time array. For example, ``dict(format='mjd', scale='tcb')`` for Barycentric MJD. plot_kwargs : dict, optional Any additional arguments or style settings passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot`. Returns ------- ax : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` The matplotlib axes object that the RV curve was drawn on. """ if ax is None: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ax = plt.gca() if rv_unit is None: rv_unit = / u.s if t_kwargs is None: t_kwargs = dict(format='mjd', scale='tcb') if plot_kwargs is None: plot_kwargs = dict() style = plot_kwargs.copy() style.setdefault('linestyle', '-') style.setdefault('alpha', 0.5) style.setdefault('marker', None) if not isinstance(time, Time): time = Time(time, **t_kwargs) rv = self.radial_velocity(time).to(rv_unit).value _t = getattr(getattr(time, t_kwargs['scale']), t_kwargs['format']) ax.plot(_t, rv, **style) return ax