Source code for twobody.transforms

# Third-party
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.utils.misc import isiterable
from astropy.constants import G
import numpy as np

# Project
from .utils import format_doc

__all__ = ['a_P_to_m', 'a_m_to_P', 'P_m_to_a', 'get_m2_min']

doc_a = """a : quantity_like [length]
        Semi-major axis.

doc_P = """P : quantity_like [time]
        Orbital period.

doc_m = """m : quantity_like [mass]
        Total mass.

[docs]@u.quantity_input(, @format_doc("""{__doc__}""", a=doc_a, P=doc_P) def a_P_to_m(a, P): """Compute the total mass given the semi-major axis and period. Parameters ---------- {a} {P} """ return a**3 / G * (2*np.pi/P)**2
[docs]@u.quantity_input(, m=u.Msun) @format_doc("""{__doc__}""", a=doc_a, m=doc_m) def a_m_to_P(a, m): """Compute the orbital period given the semi-major axis and total mass. Parameters ---------- {a} {m} """ return 2*np.pi * np.sqrt(a**3 / (G * m))
[docs]@u.quantity_input(, m=u.Msun) @format_doc("""{__doc__}""", P=doc_P, m=doc_m) def P_m_to_a(P, m): """Compute the semi-major axis given the orbital period and total mass. Parameters ---------- {P} {m} """ return np.cbrt(G * m * (P/(2*np.pi))**2)
@u.quantity_input(,, i=u.deg) @format_doc("""{__doc__}""", P=doc_P) def PeKi_to_a(P, e, K, i=None): """Compute the semi-major axis given the orbital period, eccentricity, semi-amplitude, and inclination. If you don't have a measured inclination, use the default i=90ยบ and the returned semi-major axis will be a*sin(i) instead. Parameters ---------- {P} e : numeric Eccentricity. K : quantity_like [speed] Velocity semi-amplitude. i : quantity_like [angle] Inclination. Returns ------- a : `~astropy.units.Quantity` [length] Semi-major axis. """ if i is None: i = 90*u.deg a = K / (2*np.pi * np.sin(i)) * (P * np.sqrt(1 - e**2)) return a def _m2_func(m2, m1, sini, mf): return (m2*sini)**3 / (m1 + m2)**2 - mf
[docs]@u.quantity_input(m1=u.Msun, mf=u.Msun) def get_m2_min(m1, mf): """Compute the minimum companion mass given the primary mass and the binary mass function. Parameters ---------- m1 : quantity_like [mass] Primary mass. mf : quantity_like [mass] Binary mass function. Returns ------- m2_min : `~astropy.units.Quantity` [mass] The minimum companion mass. """ from scipy.optimize import root mf = if isiterable(m1) and isiterable(mf): m2s = [] for x, y in zip(m1, mf): try: res = root(_m2_func, x0=10., args=(x.value, 1., y.value)) if not res.success: raise RuntimeError('Unsuccessful') m2s.append(res.x[0]) except Exception as e: m2s.append(np.nan) return m2s * m1.unit else: res = root(_m2_func, x0=10., args=(m1.value, 1., mf.value)) if res.success: return res.x[0] * m1.unit else: return np.nan * m1.unit