.. _contribute: ************************************** Contribute to TwoBody or report issues ************************************** Contributions to the project are always welcome through pull requests on GitHub. For significant proposed changes to the code, please start by opening an issue on the `GitHub page for this project `_ describing your idea. If it’s a bug fix or minor change to the source code, or a change to the documentation, feel free to instead submit a pull request on GitHub directly. If you would like inspiration for things to work on, check out the `feature-request issue label `_. A few possible directions for future work pulled from there: * Exoplanet transits, transit times, etc. * Implement a way to get the time delay of a pulse from an orbiting body * Interactions with a third body (acceleration) causing long-term trends in barycenter position and velocity If you have other ideas for features that you would like to propose, please create an issue on the `GitHub page for this project `_. If you’ve found a bug or issue with the code, or something that is unclear in the documentation, please open an issue on the `GitHub page for this project `_ describing the bug or issue.